Why I believe in Lord Shiva? 5 important lessons from Lord Shiva

Nitya Kumar Halder
3 min readJun 12, 2023
Source: pinterest

Belief in Lord Shiva is deeply rooted in Hinduism and has been embraced by millions of devotees worldwide. People find inspiration in Lord Shiva for various reasons, and these reasons often stem from the teachings and symbolism associated with him. Here are five important lessons that can be learned from Lord Shiva.

Transformation and Destruction:

One of the most significant aspects of Lord Shiva is his role as the destroyer of the universe. However, destruction in this context should not be perceived as negative, but rather as a transformative force. Lord Shiva teaches us that sometimes it is necessary to let go of old patterns, beliefs, and attachments in order to grow and evolve. Just as Shiva destroys to create space for new beginnings, we too must embrace change and be willing to release what no longer serves us in order to progress in life.

Meditation and Stillness:

Lord Shiva is often depicted in a state of deep meditation. His tranquil and meditative nature symbolizes the importance of inner stillness and introspection. Through meditation, we can attain a higher level of self-awareness, connect with our inner divinity, and find peace amidst the chaos of life. Lord Shiva teaches us the value of silence, solitude, and contemplation as powerful tools for personal growth and spiritual awakening.

Balance and Harmony:

Another essential lesson from Lord Shiva is the significance of balance and harmony in all aspects of life. Shiva is often represented as Ardhanarishvara, the composite form of both masculine and feminine energies. This portrayal emphasizes the harmony between opposing forces and the importance of embracing both the masculine and feminine aspects within ourselves. Lord Shiva teaches us that maintaining equilibrium between different aspects of our lives—work and play, strength and compassion, action and stillness—is essential for overall well-being.

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Detachment and Renunciation:

Lord Shiva is known as "Ashutosh," meaning easily pleased, and he is often depicted wearing simple animal skin and living a renunciant’s life in the Himalayas. Shiva’s detachment from material possessions and worldly desires teaches us the importance of focusing on inner richness rather than external wealth. Lord Shiva encourages us to detach ourselves from the constant pursuit of materialistic desires and instead seek fulfillment through inner transformation and spiritual growth.

Unconditional Love and Acceptance:

Despite his fierce appearance, Lord Shiva is also known for his immense compassion and love for all beings. He is regarded as the ultimate deity who accepts everyone without judgment. Lord Shiva teaches us to embrace love and acceptance in our interactions with others, transcending differences and prejudices. By cultivating unconditional love and compassion, we can foster harmonious relationships and create a more inclusive and compassionate world.

Belief in Lord Shiva is a deeply personal and subjective matter, and the reasons for believing in him may vary from person to person. These five lessons, among others, demonstrate the profound wisdom and guidance that Lord Shiva offers to his devotees, inspiring them to lead meaningful and purposeful lives. Ultimately, it is through self-reflection, introspection, and the application of these teachings in our daily lives that we can truly embody the essence of Lord Shiva's wisdom.



Nitya Kumar Halder

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